A modest proposal

In this essay im going to explain the relation between these two important values which are fairness and justice in the story of a modest proposal, first of all in order for me to talk about this i nerd you to clearly understand what does this teo values mean, fairness is the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable, and justice is the condition of being morally correct or fair.
the story “ a modest proposal” takes place in ireland, ireland was having very bad economic crisis because every money that there were gaining they were giving it all to england, other big problem that they were having was the overpopulation specially from poor people, poor moms had lots of kids which were poor too and that was causing overpopulation, the autor of the story, Jonathan swift wanted to do a modest proposal to end with this problem so he proposed to the poor people that the give their childs in sell so rich people can buy them and eat them,with this Ireland will have much less overpopulation, so as poor people needed the money to live they accepted this proposal and sell their kids from one year older and give them lots of milk so they were chubby for rich people to eat and pay more for them, this mothers were used as birth machines so they can gain some money, i think this story have nothing of this two important values because i think it isn’t morally fair to sell their own kids for food to other people, and why just poor people do this and rich people don’t?, i think everyone have the right to live their life  and to choose what to do with them, as one year old kids cant say nothing to defend themselves they took them, but they also have rights, and at the end of the story swift said that he never have a family and neither kids so i guess he doesn’t fell the pain the parents of those kids feel because he never had kids, and if he never had kids i guess he shouldn’t have done this proposal because of the same reason, they should do justice with those kids who were killed for rich people to eat , jonathan swift was ha ing  a good intention by trying to help Ireland from overpopulation but he was doing it in a very wrong way, there would be many different and better ways to end those problems than just killing people to eat, and this will also bring people lots of illness 


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