Patience and caring in the lady of shallot
In these essay i am going to be writing about two important values which you must apply to live a better life and its relation with the story “the lady of shallot”, these values are patience and caring, before i can tell you about them i need to explain you their meanings, patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances such as perseverance in the face of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in annoyance or angry, and the meaning of caring is being able to feel, think, and act in the interest of others, oneself, and the environment. In my opinion i think that the patience is shown in the story as when the lady was waiting in the island of shallot because she was not able to go outside because of a curse someone made on her and i also saw the value of caring when she every day saw on the magic mirror where she look outside to camelot and one day she saw a knight and fall in love with him and always care of him when he went to battle
Another example of caring is wen she was weaving a magical web with the gay colors since she had nothing more to do.
The lady of shallot was very caring with her thing, she protected her web, and care for it too much, also the lady of shallot weaved everything she saw through the mirror that was happening in Camelot.
In a moment of the story these two important values were broken she was tired of only weave and just look thru the mirror, in this part of the story the lady of shallot loses her patience and her caring for her life , so she goes out of her room looking to Camelot the magic web leaves and the mirror breaks side to side so she knew that the curse was coming for her , so she takes a boat put her name on it and sat there.
The lady of shallot take the boat to Camelot waiting with patience her slowly death, so she almost reaches the first house of Camelot when her blood freezes.
At the end the boat ended at the prow where knight and burghers were and this is the moment were the value of caring is shown by the character sr. Lancelot because he was also there and when he saw he was concern and asked himself who was that and what was she doing her, but at that moment he saw her real beauty and said that she had a lovely face Lancelot finished in love with her and finally saw her beauty and decided to take care of her during his whole life because he really love her because of what he saw in her
Well in conclusion we can see that both values caring and patience were presented in the lady of shalott and have relationship with every thing that showed up in the story and also with every thing that the characters did in this story.
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