“Morphea” MYTH

There was a beautiful creature that instead of having feet, it had a long, purple tail  that combined with her long and beautiful purple hair. Her skin was as porcelain and white as snow, her eyes were as big and blue as the sea, and she had an immense heart, her name was "Morphea" the goddess of water.
At that time the ocean was empty, there was absolutely nothing more than water. The goddess Morphea was swimming like any other normal day, she began to look around and got depressed because she realized how lonely she is, and she needs company. She then decides to create something or someone that can accompany her in her very wide ocean.
Morfea begins creating creatures, but fails. She first creates an animal but it dies after 15 minutes, she noticed that the reason for its death is because it could not breathe under the water, so Morfea created another animal but this time with a pair of gills. She realized that the little could breathe now but couldn't see her because it eyes were not fit for water, so she gave it a pair of special eyes.
 Morfea was very happy with her creation, she could not stand the urge to walk with her new friend and play with it. When Morfea calls him she realizes that the little animal could not move because his legs were not strong enough for the water so she gave him fins like the one she had on her legs. The moment she gave it his little fins, the little animal came swimming happily towards her. He loved his new fins. Morfea was proud of her work so she decided to create many more animals of different colors and sizes and she gave everyone a name. And from that moment Morfea never felt alone again.


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