Christmas storms and sunshine

This story takes place in London in the victorian era, it talks about two families which are the Hodgson and the Jenkins , the Hodgson worked with a newspaper called “the examiner “ and the Jenkins worked with a newspaper called “the flying post” , these are high political newspapers which had so much different ideas, they were enemies because of their different political views, they also leave beside each others apartments which means they were neighbors; the Jenkins had a cat which they love so much in their apartment but they have always wanted a baby because they couldn’t have it because of medical diseases , and the hodgson had a baby which they also loves so much in their apartment, one day Mary hodgson was angry because she sawed the cat of Mrs. Jenkins eating the dinner of her husband Mr. Hodgson so she hit the cat and accidentally broke her legs, after that she feels so bad because of that terrific act she just committed, then Mrs. Jenkins  found out what Mary did so she was so angry at her; they were now enemies too.
One day Mary put her son to sleep and then she start too cook, later her son wakes up , and she discovers that he was terribly sick with a disease called croup which its giving to several baby and usually can cause the death, that means her son was in border of death, she was scared because she didn’t know what to do , so she decided to call fanny, the nana of the house , and she told her to put the baby in a bath full with warm water , so Mrs,Hodgson went to several houses of that building asking if someone can please give her some warm water for the baby but no one had any warm water that they can help Mrs. Hodgson with so she finally decided to go to the house of her enemy, the Jenkins house, when she went there asking for the warm water Mrs. jenkins said she would not give her any water, she did this first of all because of what she did to her cat  second of all because she was jealous of her baby and third of all because she did had some warm water but it was fo the tee of Mr. Jenkins when he came back home, later on she was so sorry ,she thinks it again , and thought that what she was thinking , the tea of her husband isn’t that important as important of the live of the baby  so she help Mary Hodgson with the warm water , and the baby got better, after all of that Mary hodgson ask for forgiveness to Mrs. Jenkins because of what she did to the cat,  and they both set aside their differences and the Jenkins invite the hodgson to a Christmas dinner.
The author of this novel is Elizabeth Stevenson Gaskell, she was born in London on 29 September 1810, she was the daughter of a Unitarian minister. After her mother's early death, she was raised by an aunt who lived in Knutsford in Cheshire. In 1832, she married William Gaskell, also a Unitarian minister, and they settled in the industrial city of Manchester.
Motherhood and the obligations of a minister's wife kept her busy. However, the death of her only son inspired her to write her first novel, 'Mary Barton', which was published anonymously in 1848. It was an immediate success, winning the praise of Charles Dickens and Thomas Carlyle.
Dickens invited her to contribute to his magazine, 'Household Words', where her next major work, 'Cranford', appeared in 1853. 'North and South' was published the following year. Gaskell's work brought her many friends, including the novelist Charlotte Brontë. When Charlotte died in 1855, her father, Patrick Brontë, asked Gaskell to write her biography. The 'Life of Charlotte Brontë' (1857) was written with admiration and covered a huge quantity of firsthand material with great narrative skill.

Gaskell died on 12 November 1865, leaving her longest work, 'Wives and Daughters' incomplete.


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