informal essay (free topic)


An abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth which results in the death of an embryo or a fetus.
Many people fight about if it's right or wrong to abort a child.  Abortion clinics get attacked.  You read about and hear about various of cases of abortions every day.  Are you pro life, or pro choice?  People say there's no middle ground, you're either for it or against it.
No one is forced to sacrifice their own body or do anything with their own body in general to keep someone else alive but this also doesn’t means that it is good to abort. 
Women may suffer many physical effects from having an abortion. In many cases, a woman may also have emotional and fisical problems after that. Abortion is also immoral and unethical, to add to all the problems women may face after the abortion
A baby heart forms and starts beating in the fifth week of pregnancy; therefore, that would make abortion murder. The baby that is growing inside of the woman is depending on her, so when she makes the choice to end that baby's life, she is making the choice to murder another person.


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