Social, political and economical situation in 3 counties in South America

Venezuela is suffering the worst economic crisis in its history. Ordinary people in the oil-rich country are regularly going without food. Three-quarter empty supermarkets are being ransacked by angry, hungry mobs. The government has declared a state of emergency, food is now being transported under armed guard, and basic necessities are being rationed. People have to queue for hours and sometimes overnight on their assigned days to receive staples like rice and cooking oil.
Venezuela has the world’s worst negative growth rate (-8%), and the worst inflation rate (482%). The unemployment rate is 17% but is expected to climb to near 30% in the coming few years.
The shadow of hunger, the desperation of the crowds and the spread of unrest and criminality threaten the government of Nicolas Maduro , three years after he was bequeathed power by the dying revolutionary strongman, Hugo Chavez. The opposition has launched a drive to canvas signatures for a petition for him to step down. That will be a difficult task in the face of a state-run electoral system determined to thwart it, but the state may implode even if the recall referendum fails.
Wile the president Nicolas Maduro is in the presidency Venezuela will continue to be in the same chaos as he is nowadays.

If you discount for the failed state of Venezuela, the worst of the large countries south of the Rio Grande is brazil
In terms of economic growth rates, no country in Latin America is growing slower than these guys in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Only tiny, or total basket case economies do worse over the next three years. Brazil is the world's eighth largest economy. After almost a decade of strong growth (2002-2013), Brazil entered into the worst recession in its history in 2015 (-3.8% p) and 2016 (-3.6%). This unprecedented economic crisis was due to the fall of commodities price and a drop in consumption and in investment. In 2017, the economy slightly recovered and GDP recorded a 0.7% progression. Budgetary adjustment and favorable economic conditions have fostered the recovery. In 2018 the Brazilian economy should confirm its rebound with an expected growth of 1.5%.
Brazil has abundant natural resources and a relatively diversified economy. Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee, sugar cane and oranges, and is one of the world’s largest producers of soy. It attracts many multi-national groups in the food and bio-fuels industries. The country is home to the world’s largest commercial livestock heard. At the same time, agriculture contributes (5.5%), but represents 40% of exports. With forests covering half of the country and the world’s largest rainforest, Brazil is the world’s fourth largest exporter of timber, they have so much to take advantage for it’s future.

Colombia is a society characterized by its deep social exclusion. More than 60 percent of the population is poor—more than 11 million Colombians do not even earn a dollar a day and cannot maintain minimal levels of nutrition. Furthermore, 80 percent of the rural population is poor and nearly 60 percent is destitute.
Three out of every five economically active Colombians work outside the formal economy in extremely precarious conditions. One of the most perverse characteristics of the exclusion process is that its inter-generational character is becoming more acute. More than three million school-aged children and youth do not have access to education. It is important to remember, moreover, the lack of reproduction of social capital within the family as the initial environment for human development, and its progressive depreciation. Today, more than 30 percent of Colombian families have a woman as the head of the family; this woman has to perform multiple functions in conditions of uncertain income. Thus, multiple roots of future social exclusion are germinating and reproducing themselves.

Economic growth in the country slowed to 1.8 percent in 2017. Private consumption adjusted to the one-off impact of the 3-percentage point increased.


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